Malden Overcomes Day 2022

On Saturday, August 6th, 2022 hundreds of Malden residents were treated to a day filled with games, water slides, music, food, slush, and community spirit!  On a hot, sun filled day where the children were laughing and the adults were enjoying some shade and good conversation, Malden Overcoming Addiction and its Board and volunteers said thank you to the Malden community.

Each year Malden Overcoming Addiction hosts this event as a way of giving back and showing appreciation to the residents of Malden.  Councilor Chris Simonelli supported the event which was held at Ward 7’s Lincoln Commons.  He opened the day by welcoming all those in attendance and by recognizing the efforts of Malden Overcoming Addiction, its volunteers, and MOA President Paul Hammersley.  Mayor Gary Christenson was applauded by Mr. Hammersley for his consistent and relentless work in supporting the recovery efforts in Malden. Mayor Christenson in turn praised MOA and its dedication to their mission. Partner organizations in attendance were also thanked for their continuous support.  Several community leaders and elected officials were also on hand throughout the day in support of MOA.

At MOA’s core is a group of volunteers committed to making a difference. The work of MOA is centered around helping people in the greater Malden community. In existence since 2013 we have continued to see successes in our work though we have much more to do and remain steadfast in our mission. We are supporting people in recovery, providing them with access to services, and we are providing people who struggle with substance use disorder and their families with the information they need to make informed decisions about their lives. We do this work compassionately and with a relentless spirit of hope. We are MOA!

Click here to view all photos from the day

Mary Stathos