MOA Overcomes Day

Malden Overcoming Addiction recently held an event to celebrate their second anniversary. The second annual Malden Overcomes Day was a free day of food and fun held at Lincoln Commons on August 19, 2017. The day consisted of music, a water slide, a bounce house, face painting, human hamster balls, field games, food and more. The day was designed by MOA as a way to give back to the community and say thank you for all the support that has been shown to the organization. Malden Overcoming Addiction would like to thank the Junior Aid Association of Malden for their generous grant which made this year’s Malden Overcomes Day possible.

MOA would also like to thank their many volunteers. Together, the hard working and dedicated volunteers at Malden Overcoming Addiction have brought the community events such as Celebrate Sober, The Candlelight Vigil, Pledge for Malden, Stop the Stigma Day and Malden Overcomes Day. They have also put on a Recovery Coach Academy, provided Narcan training, assisted individuals in Malden’s Drug Court and worked tirelessly to lobby for opening the Bridge Recovery Center in Malden. Additionally, they have worked with many people and families to help them to navigate the treatment system to find the help they need. They have also provided recovery coaches for those looking for someone to walk alongside them on their journey. Without the efforts of all the volunteers in the organization, none of these things would have been possible.

None of what they have accomplished would have been possible without also having the support of the City of Malden. From the residents who supported their fundraiser to the Police and Fire Departments who have provided grants, to the city officials who have believed in their cause. Malden Overcoming Addiction especially wanted to thank Mayor Gary Christenson, who has supported the organization from the very beginning.  A lot of Mayors will talk the talk when it comes to the addiction crisis, but Mayor Christenson walks the walk. From attending all of MOA’s events, to presenting diplomas to the recovery coach graduates, to speaking at a MOAR meeting, to traveling with MOA members to tour recovery centers, to holding many meetings with Malden’s state delegation to voice his strong support for bringing a recovery center to Malden. The list of ways he has helped the organization is long. The group is very appreciative of all the Mayor’s efforts.

This battle with addiction is not one that will be easily won. It can be heartbreaking, discouraging and exhausting, but Malden Overcoming Addiction will not give up.  They hope this next year brings much success for them as they work to continue their mission to seek to connect the community with addiction support and recovery services, remove the stigma of addiction and fight to eliminate overdose fatalities in Malden.

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